Saturday, February 10, 2024
A unique opportunity to hug a tree presents itself. Embrace it (literally and figuratively).
21 Mar – 19 Apr
You will forget what you were worried about last night as soon as you wake up. Unfortunately, the anxiety will simply transfer to a different aspect of your life, manifesting as an intense fear of teleportation. Try to stay grounded today (literally and metaphorically).
20 Apr – 20 May
You will dream of being a kite today, but remember that while kites enjoy the breeze, they are also at the mercy of it.
21 May – 20 Jun
From nuanced Twitter exchanges to insightful forum debates, your eloquence and logical prowess will be unparalleled.
21 Jun – 22 Jul
Today you will find yourself suddenly able to understand what dogs are saying. They are actually speaking an advanced form of Latin, and you will be astounded at how much they complain about their owners. Do not be alarmed when all the dogs start howling at noon.
23 Jul – 22 Aug
A reminder that no matter how bad things seem, there's always a bright side. Sometimes we need a little nudge to help us see the good in life.
23 Aug – 22 Sep
The letters of the alphabet will spontaneously begin to rearrange themselves today, causing words to lose their meaning and for spoken language to take on an enchanting new melody.
23 Sep – 22 Oct
You will have a deep, philosophical conversation with a relative you rarely see. Whether it's about the meaning of life, the existence of aliens, or the proper way to load a dishwasher, it will leave you feeling enriched and grateful for people in your life.
23 Oct – 21 Nov
You will find a message in a bottle on the beach. Sadly, it will be in Latin and the only Latin you know is "magna cattus navitas"
22 Nov – 21 Dec
A stranger will give you a cryptic message today. Don't try to solve it, it's probably a trap.
22 Dec – 19 Jan
If you're feeling tired today, consider taking a nap. Sleep is the best medicine for most things (except maybe hunger).
20 Jan – 18 Feb
Don't get fizzy, stick to the flat variety today.
19 Feb – 20 Mar